Shift your relationship with YOURSELF, with your family, partners, love, colleagues, life, money, business and GOD by giving yourself
This could be the most important journey of your life to shift your relationship with receiving
A masterpiece of transformation and new realities in Expanding Your Energetic capacity to RECEIVE in your life

What you receive:
🤲 10 modules of deep transformative teachings, channeling, activations and meditations
🤲 Facebook community to share your realizations, insights and new realities
🤲 Workbooks- PDFs
🤲 Recordings for life
🤲 Opportunity to use your investment as a credit for another container.
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Why and how of this program ⬇️
I remember the feeling of not belonging, not fitting in, the feeling that somehow someone changed me at the hospital because I had nothing in common with my family- I remember that pain so well- trying to comfort myself with spiritual ego and superiority- thinking that I was just “more advanced” and “awake” and they weren’t! Separating myself from them so that I wouldn’t “lower my vibration” judging them so much and living Far away from deep acceptance of the family I chose Wishing that I had a father that loved me and blaming him for everything that ever went wrong in my love life Feeling not accepted by my mother and resenting her so deeply.
-Truth is that I didn’t know how to receive my Family
I remember the feeling of inadequacy in love after being abandoned by my fiancé 10 days before moving to South Africa, and with 2 failed marriages before- thinking that I would never be able to BE in love and BE LOVED.
-Truth is I didn’t know how to RECEIVE LOVE
I remember the feeling of failure of going to the pawn shop to give my appliances for food for my children so I could feed them.
-Truth is: I Didn’t know how to Receive money
I remember the feeling of threat any time I saw beautiful women, I remember the feeling of competition and the pain of not knowing how to interact with them, even less being their friend
I remember my judgment toward women and my righteousness about how they should love their life
-Truth is: I didn’t know how to receive SISTERHOOD
I remember the frustration and pain with every Yes that I said when my soul was saying NO, I remember the desperation every time I abandoned myself to please others
-Truth is: I didn’t know how to RECEIVE PERMISSION FOR BOUNDARIES…
I remember the despicable feeling toward myself every time I looked in a mirror and saw me and my body- I remember the nasty feeling I told my reflection and the pain I caused her.
Truth is: I didn’t know how TO RECEIVE MYSELF
I remember my anger with life, with things that had happened to me, my resentment towards anyone that didn’t meet my expectations and my rage from the disconnection I felt, the emptiness inside of me and the impulse to want to control everything
Truth is: I didn’t know how to RECEIVE GOD
You see, all of my “problems, pain, despairs, anger, resentment, sadness and frustrations” came from not knowing how to receive something different!
Once I gave myself PERMISSION TO RECEIVE… my life completely changed.
Today everyday, I go back to the arms of the man I love, my husband that is perfect for me
I have the best relationship with my family and I even served plant medicine to them and shared with them the gifts of the medicine and the path of Spirit..
my daughters share my work with me in what I could describe like Heaven on Earth..
My dad loves me and supports me in every possible way.
Today in my life I receive Money pretty much everyday in all different quantities and forms,
I have the most magical clients and community of sisters that hold me deep in love.
And I am absolutely in love with myself- at peace with who I am, with my mind, with my heart, with my body even when I am still moving towards my desired shape, with my soul and my connection to God.
Today I can say my life changed when I gave myself PERMISSION TO RECEIVE.
Enjoy this journey with me and I am so excited to witness you RECEIVING everything that your soul desires.
With all my love,
Yerlin ❤️

What my clients say about me...

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as they depend on many factors even if many clients have received amazing Results
For all programs and masterminds, if you are paying through a payment plan,
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